The DLU-JOS achieved prestigious national journal status in the fields of history-archaeology-ethnology and literature in 2024

The DLU-JOS achieved prestigious national journal status in the fields of history-archaeology-ethnology and literature in 2024

The Dalat University Journal of Science is recognized in 2023 as a prestigious Vietnamese national journal in the field of economics

From July 2023, the Dalat University Journal of Science is recognized as of July 2023 in ten disciplinary/interdisciplinary fields for articles published by the journal

Call for papers for the Biennial Issue on Camellias of Vietnam

Trang tin tức của Trường Đại Học Đà Lạt do Trung tâm Công nghệ Thông tin phát triển

Kỷ niệm 110 năm ngày sinh đồng chí Chủ tịch Hội đồng Nhà nước Võ Chí Công (07/8/1912-07/8/2022)

Trang tin tức của Trường Đại Học Đà Lạt do Trung tâm Công nghệ Thông tin phát triển

Alumnus of the Faculty of Biology, Dalat University were invited to join the Editorial Board of Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC): Journal of Plant Biotechnology of the prestigious publisher Springer.

Prof. Dr. Duong Tan Nhut – Alumnus of the Faculty of Biology, Dalat University; Member of the Editorial Board of Dalat University Journal of Science – was invited to join the Editorial Board of Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC): Journal of Plant Biotechnology of the prestigious publisher Springer.

Impact Factor (IF) of the Dalat University Journal of Science

Impact Factor (IF) of Dalat University Journal of Science according to V-CitationGate